Thursday, December 19, 2019

Yellow River Forest Mills Road Access (X-16 access )

The new trout maps for 2019 list another place to fish, The Yellow River Forest Mills Road Access (X-16 access ).  This is on the Yellow River (Obviously) at the X-16  county road bridge

I stopped tonight, to check it out.  IT'S True!  There's another place to fish on the largely private Yellow River.  This is the Next Bridge down, from the Allamakee county park at the Ice house.
There's (very little) parking, and when you get down by the bridge, there is a Private Property Fishing Access only sign

I wasn't sure from looking, where the access ended, but according to the new trout maps, it goes up about a half mile! yea!

Friday, December 6, 2019

I fished Mink Creek this afternoon.  They've put down some gravel for a drive on the way down the hill; which is nice, i was always worried about getting stuck there.

Saw quite a few trouts, but only had one strike; which i landed.  A rainbow on what i call a Pheasant Tail.  Don't know where/if the browns went to.  I'd heard that people weren't finding them. . . hope they're still in there.  Water looked good, though